Atari 2600

Yes I am talking about this old-school Video game.. I don't know why but it's been on my mind for the last three months..I talk about it whenever I see a-born-in-the 80s people.. Beside all the high-technology game devices nowadays..Sometimes I really miss this game..And I remember how many joysticks I’ve broke and how many times I traded games with my neighbors..My favorite game –can’t remember it’s name- was a plain that flies over the sea and shoots stuff –can’t remember what- and it can refill it’s diesel from a floating-in-the-air-gas-station.. I found on Wikipedia a list of Atari 2600 Games that includes tons of them :) And here is another one with more than one joysticks kind and a couple of games: Thes two pictures brought many memory..Especially when we used to ni7jez door min ili 7ayil3ab awal w b aya shreet :)