
Showing posts from 2009

Before Saying Goodbye To 2009

In the past two day I've been surfing the net looking for an article or a video that summs up 2009 with all its aspects..W ithout a doubt Yahoo did a great job in their video  along with additional links; Top 10 Searches ,, Farewells ,, Sudden Fame ,, Mad Science ,, Obama In The House ,, Market Darlings ,, Financial Hangovers ,, Bloggers Roll ,, Tiger Woods, Most Searched Athlete ,, A Year At The Movies: Screening Race .. And  here  is the the decade in just three minutes.. Happy New Year! May 2010 be filled with luck,, good health,, and love.. May all your wishes come true..

!!!!لا تــعــلــيــق

الغد - مسيرة حاشدة في غزة احتجاجا على إقامة الجدار الفولاذي الغد  - بابا نويل يتصدى بصدره العاري لرصاص الاحتلال وشجرة الميلاد تزينها قنابل الغاز

Expressive Image


حلاوه و زلابيه

صرلي أكتر من شهر وأنا جاي على بالي حلاوه و زلابيه.. بالعاده عمتي بتبعتلنا من نابلس تبرويره فيها الحلاوه ومعها على جنب الزلابيه.. ياالله شو زاكي.. بس هل فترة ماحد عم يطلع من نابلس على عمان.. هداك اليوم كنت سايقه بشارع المدينه وأنا ماشيه مريت عن تمرية علاء عرفات بطلع إلا لقيت إنو فاتح جمبو محل جديد إسمو حيدر عرفات وطلع ببيع حلاوه و زلابيه.. يا فرحتي أخيراً صار موجود منو بعمان.. وللي مش متأكد بزبط أنا عن شو بحكي.. بسيبكم مع الصور.. ..طبعا الصور مأخودين من موقع المصور النابلسي  حسن قمحيه **

Ray William Johnson

This guy  is just amazing.. He is one of my favorite vloggers on YouTube.. I’ve watched all of his uploaded videos -over 60 ones- and they are funny and super entertaining.. UPDATE; This guy is more funnier and more fun..

And Who Doesn't Love Junk Food!

No it is not another lame topic about health and diets.. It is something better..Learn what is the best to be ordered when you go out for a lunch or dinner.. Just  click here

حــســبــي الله ونــعــم الــوكــيــل

   الــغــد - بعد عام من العدوان: غزة تشهد ولادة عشرات الأجنة المشوهة  

حــبــة رمــان

لقد كانت حبة رمان تلك التي تناولتها والتي أعادت إلي تلك الذكريات الجميلة.. ذكريات ونحن صغار..نجري ونلعب في حديقة منزل جدي وجدتي.. كنا أخي وأنا وابن خالتي.. هكذا كان ترتيب أعمارنا.. بعد الإنتهاء من تناول طعام الغداء نخرج مسرعين إلى الحديقة.. نريد إكمال اللعبة.. لعبتنا المفضلة -الغميضه-.. كانت ومازالت حديقتهم من أجمل الحدائق المنزلية التي رأيتها..كلها أشجار مثمرة تحمل ألذ الفاكهة الصيفية .. منذ الطفولة وأنا أحب الأشجار والورود.. أحب أن أقضي فترات من وقتي وأنا جالسة فقط أتأمل جمالهم.. وما زلت أفعل ذلك إلى الأن.. كانت لدى جدي وجدتي في حديقة المنزل شجرة رمان مميزة لم أذق مثل طعم ثمرها في أي مكان أخر.. كان جدي يأتي ونحن نلعب ويقول؛ هيا من يريد أن يساعدني! نحن الثلاثة دائماً نكون أول المتبرعين.. كان جدي المسؤول عن تقشير الثمار ونحن عن توزيعها على الموجودين بالمنزل..ما ألذ طعمها..وما ألذ طعم مشاركتها مع من أحبهم..لايوجد وصف قد يعطي تلك اللحظات حقها.. لقد كانت حبة رمان تلك التي تناولتها مع صديقتي في منزلهم والتي أعادت إلي تلك الذكريات الجميلة..

R Rated Commercials!

Beside me does anyone feels that Melody Aflam’s commercials - أفلام عربي..أم الأجنبي -are unsuitable for TV? I really don’t want to get into the details about these commercial that are being played on all Melody channels including their music channel.. However what bothers me is that the major viewers of music videos channels are children and teenagers..So..You really don’t mind if they watched that and it remained in their minds! I hope someone would do something about that.. How about running these commercials after 9 pm? Or at least on Melody Aflam itself!! I am sure that would minimize the damages.. Don't click here if you are not 18+!!            Or here            Or  here              Or here              Or here What do you think?

15 Facebook Friend Requests Within 40 Minutes!!!

Yesterday I was on facebook..Playing some games to kill boredom.. After..There was a page that I am fan of -I am not mentioning the name- I said: Oh they posted some pictures of Eid.. That would be cool to be viewed.. I was browsing the pictures.. One after on.. Some are nice.. Some you can call the moment of happiness.. I commented on one of the pictures in how nice it is.. Then logged out.. Went to prepare my dinner.. I logged in after a while to post some birthday greetings on my friend’s wall.. When the homepage opened I was astonished.. 15 friend requests!!!! Who could they be!! I clicked to see the requesters.. Oh I don’t know anyone from this long list.. I wondered.. Form where would this number of people suddenly come out?!! I looked at one of the requests.. It said ‘’ Hey.. You are the girl form –the page that I am a fan of- can we become friends?.. Many things I want to say.. Like I am an open-minded person and I do believe in making friends via - الشبكه العنكبوتيه - as

Happy Birthday To Me xD

This year I had one of the best birthdays ever.. Being one of the besties is for several points.. I celebrated it with my family and my sister and her kids who came over from Riyadh to spend Eid with us.. I got my birthday cake customized just like how I wanted it.. My favorite cartoon character -SpongeBob-.. Beside that my BFF came over and -taffat isham3aaat- with me.. then she suprised me with this really sweet gift.. A green box -which is my favorite color- that contains everything I like.. Bounty chocolate,, head-bands,, green earings,, white nail polish,, eye-shadow kit and some other things.. I really can't ask for more.. Thank you God..bless my family, friends and beloved ones and keep them healthy and happy.. Happy Birthday To Me :)

كــــل عـــام وأنــتــم بــألــف خـــيــــر مــقــدمــا

It's been a while since I updated my blog page.. Promise you all I'll be back and more active than before soon insha Allah :) kul sane winto salmeeeen :) One of my favorite Eid rituals is watching  this video on every single Eid :) Enjoy it xD

Atari 2600

Yes I am talking about this old-school Video game.. I don't know why but it's been on my mind for the last three months..I talk about it whenever I see a-born-in-the 80s people.. Beside all the high-technology game devices nowadays..Sometimes I really miss this game..And I remember how many joysticks I’ve broke and how many times I traded games with my neighbors..My favorite game –can’t remember it’s name- was a plain that flies over the sea and shoots stuff –can’t remember what- and it can refill it’s diesel from a floating-in-the-air-gas-station.. I found on Wikipedia a list of  Atari 2600 Games  that includes tons of them :) And here is another one with more than one joysticks kind and a couple of games: Thes two pictures brought many memory..Especially when we used to ni7jez door min ili 7ayil3ab awal w b aya shreet :)

I am Israel

  Click here  to watch the video.

When Are They Gonna Learn!!!

Boyzone’s former member Stephen Gately has passed away on October 10th,, that is sad news by itself..But..When you know that he was on a vacation in Mallorca – Spain...Well that makes it even miserable.. Recently the police had announce the reason behind this tragic accident.. Mr. Gately during his vacation he was hardcore partying and that included real heavy drinking.. Police officers found him laying on his couch with his face on a pillow.. He was vomiting and he was shocked with his own vomit which led to the direct death.. The thing is..He was 33 years old & In such age you should’ve clearly knew your limits!! And when to stop drinking!!.. What an awful way to die.. You go on vacation and you end up to be dead by your own vomit.. I used to like his passionate voice and his soft music.. May his soul rest in peace..

Good News For Unemployed People :)

12 Jobs That Didn't Exist Until Recently; It's interesting.. Wonder if these kind of jobs will be good deal in Jordan.. And really work out for people..

I Saw An Article & Liked It - 5 Surprising Ways To Get More Energy

5 Surprising Ways To Get More Energy; Need more energy? Here are some really surprising, non-caffeinated, ways to rev you up... 1. Change your socks. I know odd, right? I read about this one over at Zen Habits. The advice is to bring an extra pair of socks to work and sometime around 3 p.m. when you hit your slump, take off your shoes and socks (and maybe air out your feet for a sec if you have a private office; if you don't, that would be a nada) and then put a fresh pair of socks on. Voila! "You'll be amazed at how much fresher you'll feel," write the Zen Habits bloggers. "This trick is especially handy on days with lots of walking." 2. Rethink your workout time. If you tend to work out at night, it might be messing with your sleep. Here's why: Experts believe that people who work out too close to their bedtimes may flood their brains with stress hormones tha

رمضان.. راح أشتقلك

رمضان.. راح أشتقلك.. نشوفك السنه الجاي إن شاء الله.. سبحان الله .. مع إنو رمضان هاي السنه النهار كان في طويل.. بس إبصر كيف مرأ هيك بسرعة! حاولت أعمل أشياء جديده ومفيده السنه هاي.. والحمد لله زبط معي إنو أخلي هل كم من اشي جزء من روتيني اليومي..

Goodbye Michael..

My very sweet and tender brother always has his unique ways in waking you up and making you roll out of bed khawa!.. Like he always wakes us on Eid days.. How!!.. Well..Simply he turns his room into a morning night club with a real loud trance songs -How sweet-.. For me I like to wake up in that way..Really refreshing ;D But on Friday he woke me at 11 a.m. and said; Gees!! You still sleep!! Walek Michael Jackson passed away yesterday!! I looked at him and was surprised about what he said!!.. I mean.. I know that eventually we are all going to die.. But never thought about Michael dying.. It’s just never occurred to me.. Then when I was completely awake.. I said in my mind.. How sad.. Really sad news!! We’ve always listened to his songs when we were little and were amazed by his dancing moves & exclusively outfits.. Now I’ve remembered.. Tab Beat FM & Sunny are giving away two tickets for one of his first shows.. Olak what would they do now!! So sad.. May his soul re

All New!

Okay I admit Japanese people are smart and very creative and for many years they inspired us with their vision about totally fresh thoughts,, But Japan.. Did you run out of ideas?!! Coca Cola-exclusively in Japan-is making a new project named (Green-Tea Cola)!! How unusual combination! Is it really necessary or even a good idea to mix something healthy with a soda? Questioning what category of society is the one that would be interested in that! Children, seniors or the athletic ones.. I would never buy such a drink though I like experiencing new things.. Sorry Japan.. But this time I think you are not doing as good as you used to be.. Heehee is Coca Cola Jordan going to be inspired and do a (Shanina Cola)!